Pre + Post Care
Pre Appointment Care
• NO EXCERCISE on the day of the procedure
• NO CAFFEINE on the day of the procedure
• NO PAIN RELIEVERS 48 hours before procedure
• NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 48 hours before procedure
• Come to the appointment with your brows as you usually draw them in.
What to expect while healing
Days 1-3
Your eyebrows are about 30% darker than when they heal completely. They will appear bolder and thicker due to oxidation and swelling. This is a normal part of the healing process. Your treated area may feel like it is sunburned. Blot all excess fluid every 15 minutes for 2 hours after you leave your appointment. Apply ointment in 48 hours.
Day 4
The peeling begins. The dark, outer color will start peeling off, revealing the softer, lighter color. Keep the brows moist, but don’t overdo it.
Days 5-8
The darker, outer color finish begins to peel. The color begins to appear lighter and softer, the brows themselves will appear thinner. It may appear that you are missing color and have light areas at this time due to layers of dry skin over the new pigment.Your brows may have a grayish, milky hue. Give your eyebrows 3 full weeks to heal and for the color to fully reappear. Use ointment until they’re fully healed. New clients will have a follow up visit within 5-8 weeks to adjust anything needed, complimentary of charge.
Post Appointment Care
• Healing takes an average of 7-10 days.
• Wipe the area with a damp cotton round every 15 minutes for the first two hours. After two hours, keep the area dry until healed.
• Wash with a gentle cleaner every day using gentle blotting motions.
• After 48 hours, start applying a light layer of the after care ointment morning and night. Continue until fully exfoliated.
• Absolutely no picking or scratching.
• Absolutely NO activities that cause dust, dirt and dander for a minimum of 72 hours.
• Avoid hot tubs, hot showers, lakes, pools, and salt water. No water activities or excess sun until they are healed.
• No exercising or heavy sweating for 10 days… no exceptions! Protect your investment.
• You may apply makeup around the new procedure area but avoid applying ON the treated areas until fully healed. This includes facial lotions.
• No tweezing or waxing the eyebrows for 10 full days. No facials, peels or any services done on or around the face for 2 weeks.
• Once the treated area is healed, any changes or additions that need to be made can be done during a follow up appointment.